Tag Archives: believe

Do not forget – be strong.

Do not forget who you are
– be strong willful as the vine leaning out from the eave of house and gutter
Do not forget from where you came
– be strong proud as the seed lifted up upon winds of spring to drop in territory unknown
yes unknown
Do not forget who you are becoming
– be strong determined as the first and last star of each day poking through a dark blue sky forever tells of its existence and the dreams it holds
Do not forget where you are heading
– be strong bold and adventurous as the bee who follows her ancestors to forages on hills she has never seen but has faith will be there…

so to you will go. so to will you become.
and I will not forget you
– be strong.


I wish you a merry whatever you believe
I hope it shines and glimmers
stars in your sky and dreams
in your heart….

For some it’s Yule the Solstice turns
when the Sun is born and the Oak King rules
for some it is Dreidel days and Menorah lights
For others Savior and Silent nights
Still others simply wish for peace
on earth
for safety in towns of birth
living a breath more than perhaps it should
and life to go on afterwards.

so I offer up this thought
a simple blessing to be heard
may all you bless, blessings be
and all you love, love back to thee
no matter what
you believe.

((A poem in progress – it is one of those cases of not quite there yet, but wanted to write it out anyway))

Celebrate your living

Celebrate living
the movement of breath
memory keeper
and drum beat of souls
the sound piece
of speechless dreams
and the counterbalance
to worry and hesitation,
do not fear the dreaded
nor the four footed doubt
instead breathe deep the
fire of can to the bottom
of tenacious will
dance with the shadow
of almost could be
laugh with impossibility
yes, celebrate living
though living is work
of brow and callous hand
be merry in resolute
resolve and redemption
and welcome home
peace, pride, and
all’s possible: