Tag Archives: blue

See me as I am

{in honor of today – Day of Silence}

I speak not a word
for the word distracts you
from the reality we are the same
I walk into a store and am
turned away
because you do not serve my kind
I walk down the aisle
and I am arrested
because the constitution has no room
I am discovered
and dragged out and beaten
because my love is hated
I am vocal
and you see an agenda
instead of our sameness
so today
I speak not a word
So you can only do one thing



My Day of Silence

I remember a day of silence. It was not a day of rememberance, nor a day of joy, nor a day of  being brave, nor a day for courage. It was a day of silence – of no acknowledgement of my existance. And I remember it well.

A perceived slight at the hands of this geek

this braces wearing

band playing, A making

never popular

ever on the outside

set a off a fire storm

from every girl

in school.

Not a single one

lifted their eyes

lifted a hand

lifted a smile

lifted a word

for an entire day.

Not a single

girl, had a thing

to say

to me.

Save two

just outside of the

‘ones’ the perfected

the wealthy

the beautiful

the wanted

the non-hand-me-down

I get around



everyone seeing,

and everyone ‘loved’,

decided to shed

light and give

me a clue

to what was


and why.

The crime?

was lingering

in the favor of the boy down

the street

who had taken a liking

to me;

we spoke

and broke every rule

of highschool love affairs

which clearly states

in everything but greek

an ex-lover can never

speak to a geek

and soon the speak

became a speck

a peck

a kiss

a lingering desire

and the world then

was set on fire

and they conspired to

make me pay

in the only

way possible

to not cause confusion

or retribrution

from the leadership

and the pastors

of churches

preachers, teachers

and mothers….




don’t lift a word

to the satisfaction

of heard

don’t smile

or greet

not a hand shake

or eye to meet


meet me.

And this day was just one

of many

but it is indellibly marked

upon memory

without fail or forgetfulness

I recall all their faces

sitting on benches and

taking their places

in the history of my mind

and I regret not

being strong enough to

fight back

to just stand up and not

care to failing to

find silence my friend

but in a school of less than 400

where everyone knows

everyone’s sister, brother,

father and mother

that is

not an easy feat for

a young teen to


and though I confronted

I witted

wiled and wisely

wiggled out ever

word to stop the

day I heard

no sound

that day

will remain

as will the faces of the

season and her ‘cheer’sisters…

and the only good

that came of it

is I am determined

to not let it

happen again




{{written in e.e.cummings style}}


Memory is more fragile than porcelain

more strong than granite’s soul

more stuck on repeat than mockingbird

more weightless then summer’s gold

it is maddeningly vivid and vivacious

and sanely it nevermore is

than all the stars flickering in violent

contraction are beautiful

Memory is less forever than rainbows

less forgetful than why

less remembered than sometimes

less hopeful than unhurt

It is always loud in soft places

and never quiet in traffic jams

or when all the night has

covered land, and see and eyes

Memory is tougher than hide

more weaker than shattered glass

and only when cats have tongues

will memory ever be unlast

Speaking Statistics

Let’s draw it

trace the lines of

faces come undone

mix their visages

with rhyme

and time

to define

our dire


in this


all the same


where voices

outside the dream

beg to live in


but instead

are left for dead



fist filled inflamation

1 out of 4


at the end  of  soles

black and blue

with the residue

of hate.

and every day

I think this

this has got to stop

how do we make it


what words

will trace the lines

of the faces undone

so they are not


what spit can be spun

what fist thrown unrung

will change


and bring us back

to prismic solutions

absolutions of


to a place where

9 out of 10 becomes

0 out of 10


160 thousand

don’t have to

stay in

where 2 to 9 times

more likely to die

becomes 10 times more

likely to stand up and fly

likely to stand up and fly

where 13 million hurting

becomes 13 million healing

and 25% giving less than 5%

turns into 100% of doing something

where every 7 minutes

turns from 7 mintues of tears

to 7 minutes of hear

ing something other than

the sound of another

kid being bulled


are you following me?

this is not some

backyard do it yourself


this is unfortunately

very realistic


let’s draw it

trace the lines of

faces undone by

the unheard crys

and the

oppression of lies

mix their visages

with rhyme

and time

to define

our dire


so the next generation

doesn’t have to.